Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Caffeinated Conservatives to meet Saturday April 19th 12-2PMP: sales pitch for medical marijuana legalization from the TN NORML.

From Caffeinated Conservatives:

Hi everybody,
Saturday April 19th from 12 - 2 PM at Bagelface Bakery (700 Main Street in East Nashville), come hear the sales pitch for medical marijuana legalization from the TN NORML (the pro legalization lobby in TN) spokesperson and talk back! Some say marijuana is a miracle drug that can save lives; some say it's a harmless drug that it's nobody's business if you smoke it or not; and some say it's a gateway to ruin. Bring your opinions for great coffee, mind blowing bagels, and good conversation! All opinions welcome!

Stephen Clements
Caffeinated Conservatives

Also, THIS THURSDAY, the Tennessee Republican Minority Coalition is hosting a battle of the bands! All the details are at the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/353141374826529/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming
Some news you can use from our buddy Rod Williams' blog "A Disgruntled Republican in Nashville":
Metro Council Candidate Ken Jakes talks about why the Farmers Market is trying to stay afloat with our tax dollars and how to make it profitable again - http://www.adisgruntledrepublican.com/2014/04/why-farmers-market-is-failure-and.html
Metro Nashville Government's credit rating is downgraded by Moody's credit rating agency - http://www.adisgruntledrepublican.com/2014/04/metros-credit-downgraded-by-moodys.html

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