Thursday, April 17, 2014

Common Core slowed but not killed in Tennessee

The House reached agreement with the Senate and passed a bill that delays for a year the testing tied to Common Core and  requires that if Common Core standards are expanded beyond the current math and language arts standards in Tennessee, that the State Department of Education give the State Legislature a 60 day notice.

The vote on the final version of the bill, HB1549, was 85 voting "aye", and 8 voting "no."  The eight no's were: Carr J, Coley, Cooper, Keisling, Stewart, Towns, Windle, and Womick.

To follow the history of the bill and read the final version, follow this link

Here are other reports on the issue:

Published April 17, 2014 by Andrea Zelinski - Critics of a new student exam linked to controversial education standards won a small victory Wednesday when the House adopted a compromise putting off testing for one year. The House of Representatives voted 86-8 in favor of a deal hammered out largely by leadership behind closed doors, although members acknowledge the agreement left open loopholes.

“Today is an example of the art of the possible,” said Rep. Matthew Hill, R-Jonesborough, who helped assemble the bill’s hijacking last month. “I know you don’t like this, but this is a win.”

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