Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dr. Register to answer questions about Common Core at series of public meetings

Dr. Register speaks directly with parents about the facts and answers their questions 

MNPS Press Release - Parent Meetings Will Answer Common Core Questions

WHAT: Parents have plenty of questions about the Common Core State Standards and how they affect their kids in Metro Schools. To help keep them informed about this very important topic, Dr. Register and his staff are hosting a series of parent meetings designed to share the facts and dispel the rumors about Common Core. The district is now in its third year of implementation, with full adoption of the standards for reading/language arts and mathematics across all grades K -­‐ 12. These meetings will help parents learn more about how the standards are used in Metro Schools, the curriculum used to support them and the assessments needed to measure them. There will be an opportunity at each meeting for Q&A with district officials. 

WHO: Director of Schools Dr. Jesse Register, teachers, parents, district administrators

WHEN:  Thursday, April 24 at John Overton High School
                Monday, April 28 at Gower Elementary School
                Thurs day, May 1 at Madison Middle School
                Wednesday, May 7 at Apollo Middle School

               All meetings will start at 5:30 PM.

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