Thursday, April 03, 2014

For-Profit Charter Schools Bill Fails In House

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A proposal to allow charter schools in Tennessee to be operated by for-profit entities has failed its last committee vote before reaching the House floor. (link)

My Comment: Too bad, maybe next year. Here is why I think we should have for-profit charters:
To get the efficiency of scale and modern management best practices, we need corporate for-profit charter schools or for-profit charter school management teams. There have been remarkable successes with charter schools, but charter schools cannot reach their full potential when they are handicapped by being prohibited from hiring professional management companies. Why there is a reluctance to allow for-profit charters, I do not know except that many have absorbed a socialist bias that thinks profits are just another cost and are ill gotten gains. Almost everything that works well, works because of the profit motive. Shelter, food, healing, banking, transportation, entertainment, and funeral services are provided, for the most part, by for-profit companies. Why not education? 

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