Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Gun activists again take aim at GOP. They are gunning for Charles Sargent.

by Charles Sisk, The Tennessean, April 28, 2014 - Debra Maggart knows what it’s like to be targeted by gun rights groups.

Two years ago, the Hendersonville Republican chaired her party’s caucus in the state House of Representatives, a job that placed her below only House Speaker Beth Harwell and Majority Leader Gerald McCormick in their hierarchy. Her opposition that summer was a campaign novice whose only previous involvement in politics had been leading prayers and role-playing historical figures at tea party events.

The National Rifle Association shook up what could have been an easy road to re-election. Through an onslaught of advertising and campaign workers, the gun rights organization transformed that newcomer, Courtney Rogers, into a serious contender. When the tallies came in on election night, Rogers had taken 57 percent of the vote and Maggart was out of a job.

“They came after me, and now the seem to be coming after Charles Sargent,” Maggart said last week. “Charles doesn’t deserve it. Charles hasn’t done anything to warrant it.”

Note:  Steve Gawry is Charles Sargent's challenger.

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