Wednesday, April 09, 2014

In addition to Matt Collins, 20 other Republican candidates challenged

Here is the list:

Challenger Candidate Date Rec'd TNGOP Contact Position Reasons for Challenge
Jerry Barlar Mwafaq Aljabbary 4/3/2014 Brent Senate 21 Voting Record
Jerry Barlar Quincy McKnight 4/3/2014 Brent Senate 21 Voting Record
Kay Brooks Matt Collins 4/3/2014 Brent SEC Conduct Detrimental to GOP
Pat Carl DJ King 4/3/2014 Brent SEC Voting Record
Harry Wampler Melissa Browder 4/3/2014 Brent SEC Voting Record
John Ryder Jim Tomasik 4/3/2014 Michael Senate 31 Ran as a Libertarian
Tony Roberts/Melissa Gay Mark Winslow 4/4/2014 Brent SEC Endorsed a Democrat in a Contested Primary
Sam Cross Terri Norfleet 4/4/2014 Michael SEC Voting Record
Liz Holloway Judy Cooley 4/4/2014 Michael SEC Voting Record
Jim Cobb Charles Barger 4/4/2014 Michael SEC Voting Record
Wayne Oldham/Melissa Gay Karen Bennett 4/4/2014 Brent SEC Endorsed a Democrat in a Contested Primary
Chip Boyd Kent Harris 4/5/2014 Brent SEC Conduct Detrimental to GOP
Chip Boyd Scott Smith 4/5/2014 Michael SEC Voting Record
Chip Boyd James Gann 4/5/2014 Michael SEC Voting Record
Chip Boyd Hamilton Horseman 4/5/2014 Michael SEC Attacks on GOP
Chip Boyd Hannah Horseman 4/5/2014 Michael SEC Attacks on GOP
Chip Boyd Frances Arthur 4/5/2014 Michael SEC Voting Record
Chip Boyd Katheryn Bryson 4/5/2014 Brent SEC Advocated Libertarian Party
Chip Boyd Richard Archie 4/5/2014 Michael SEC Supported Eddie Bass, a Democrat, open attacks on GOP, support for Constitution Party
Chip Boyd Sam Cooper 4/5/2014 Brent SEC Voting Record
Baker Ring/ Kathleen Starnes Ruth Fennell 4/5/2014 Michael SEC Attacks on Republican officials; critical of GOP

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