Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jeff Yarbro has the money in District 21 race. In 17, Challenger Clark Boyd leads Beavers

The below is from Tom Humphrey's blog and reports cash on hand at the end of the first quarter 2014. Where a challenger has filed no report, it’s usually due to the candidate qualifying after April 1 or failure to raise or spend $1,000, the threshold for filing a report.

Sen. District 21 (open, Sen. Douglas Henry, D-Nashville, retiring): In Democratic primary, Mary Mancini, $61,281.74; Jeff Yarbro, $212,711.69. In Republican primary, no reports filed by any of the three candidates – Mwafaq Aljabbary, Diana Cuellar and Quincy McKnight.
Senate District 17: Sen. Mae Beavers, R-Mount Juliet, $55,541.64; Clark Boyd, $65,825.23.

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1 comment:

  1. What a relief! A good solid conservative candidate without the nullification nuttiness of Beavers. There are many degrees of STRONG support for the Second Amendment short of arresting federal agents at the state line. Clark Boyd is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage (a very big issue for me), pro-gun rights, pro-free enterprise, anti-tax. While my financial support is modest I am excited to see a good-sense strong conservative running for the State House. The good sense part won't come out of the fever swamps.
