Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ken Jakes comments on the challenges to candidates for TNGOP Executive Committee

From Ken Jakes:

As, I look at the list of names being challenged for the Executive Committee of the TN GOP my heart is heavy with sadness. Maybe I don't understand the process but what I do understand is, it goes against an unwavering fundamental principal that I hold firm. That Principal is an individual should have the right to be a candidate, run for office, and the outcome of the election decided by VOTE not vengeance. I don't always agree with the outcome of an election and my candidate of my choice may not always win, but I still support and uphold the right to elect by vote.

Many of the names on the list are individuals whom I personally know. They are true patriots in my eyes, as I have seen many fight long endless hours daily in trying to take this Country back. I would welcome many on the list in the trenches with me in protecting our rights and freedoms, yet they are being challenged. These are people who have a track record where their values and principals are what drive their passions to fight the battles.

 I have entered as a candidate for the Metro Council at Large in 2015. I am sure there will be those who will have me in their sights as a target candidate. If so then put me in the center of the cross hairs of their scope. I have a desire to become an ELECTED public servant hoping to place me in a better position to help in the battles of correcting what is wrong with our Country, starting right here in Davidson County. As I have a desire to be elected to serve the people, I hate let me say politics and all the games that are played on so many who work so hard.

 On this issue the Grand Ole Party ( GOP ) doesn't look so Grand. Maybe they see me as not worthy but frankly I don't care. Right is Right, and Wrong is Wrong, and this JUST AIN'T RIGHT.

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