Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Marsha Blackburn stand up to phony "war on women" charge.

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn explained to a skeptical Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation Sunday that Republicans’ voting against the Paycheck Fairness Act does not mean they are against equal pay for women.

Noting that she found the “war on women rhetoric” to be “silly,” Blackburn said that “the legislation was something that was going to be helpful for trial lawyers.”

“I have fought to be recognized with equality for a long time,” she said. “A lot of us get tired of guys condescending to us.” Blackburn went on to cite access to capital for women who own small businesses and the negative effects of Obamacare on women as issues that need addressing. “We’re all for equal pay. I would love for women to be focused on maximum wage,” she said.

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