Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mayor Dean's vision includes more pre-K $, metro benefits for same-sex couples, new Office of Public Guardian

Channel 2 photo
Mayor Karl Dean presented his "State of Metro address today and called for the following:
  • New funding for pre-k.
  • Creation of a new Office of Public Guardian to defend the elderly and others unable to handle their own affairs. 
  • Extend Metro health insurance and other benefits to same sex couples.
  • More for mass transit.
Below are news reports:

by Michael Cass, The Tennessean, April 30, 2014 - Mayor Karl Dean laid out a broad vision for Nashville’s future Wednesday, calling for new funding for preschool, transit and care for the elderly and domestic violence prevention in his “State of Metro” address at the Rolling Mill Hills Greenway Overlook.  (link)

News Channel 2, NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Education and mass transit were Nashville Mayor Karl Dean’s top priorities in his seventh State of Metro Address delivered Wednesday morning from the Rolling Mill Hill Greenway overlooking downtown Nashville. The mayor’s proposed spending plan includes $27.5 million in new funding for Metro Schools to, in part, fund Dr. Jesse Register’s plan to expand pre-K.

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