Saturday, April 26, 2014

Melissa not "Marsha" is the "proud Davidson County Democrat" whose campaign is being managed by a member of the Republican State Executive Committee

In this clever ad, Melissa Blackburn makes the point that she is not "Marsha" Blackburn. I always liked the Jessie Colter song "I'm not Lisa."  This song was popular in 1975 and I remember it, but I wonder how many other people do. Even if you don't know the original song, I still think this is a cleaver way to make her name stand out in a crowded field.

In this ad she makes the point that she is "a proud Davidson County Democrat." To any Republicans who may have heard that she is really a Republican, I think she puts that notion to rest.  There is a real Republican running for that office and that is Marian Fordyce

If any Democrats are reading this blog, you do need to be aware that her campaign is being managed by Mark Winslow a member of the Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee.  If you are a Democrat and want to vote for a Democrat, you may want to consider that fact. 

There are Republicans on the Ballot.  
are urging you to vote in the Democrat Primary.  

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