Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Welcome Home Parade and Job Fair for Iraq War Veterans needs your help.

WSMV Channel 4 

This event is more than a patriotic parade and a "thank you," but is a job fair for veterans and assistance for those who need it. If veterans need a haircut for a job interview and are short of funds, or a ride to job interview, this programs will help them.

This event is being organized by our friend Daniel Horwitz, who is an occasional contributor to this blog. You can read his post at this link. This is a great thing Daniel is doing, and I have made a contribution. Want you please help this worthy cause?

Please follow this link and make a contribution today.

If you are an employer who would like to take part in the job fair, or someone who would like to volunteer to help with the event or provide services to veterans or make a monetary contribution,   visit: and

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