Wednesday, April 09, 2014

School Board Meeting of April 8: MNPS unanimously approves $779 millon budget!

The Metro school board is seeking $32.5 million more from the city this year than last year, despite indications from Mayor Karl Dean that he will not approve the increase and very little chance the Council would approve another tax increase this year after raising taxes last year.

The additional $32.5 million includes $7.4 million for a 2 percent salary increase for school employees, $3.4 million to expand pre-K to 340 students and open three pre-K centers in East, South and North Nashville, and $14.7 million to open three charter schools and to increase seats at existing charters.

To get your own copy of the 99-page agenda follow this link: Agenda

I probably will not have an opportunity to do a more detailed summary and time stamp notation, so if you want to know more, you will have to watch it unaided. Rod

Here is the Tennessean's report: Nashville school board, mayor face budget showdown.

The school board voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a $779 million budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year, which includes $3.4 million for prekindergarten expansion and $7.4 million for 2 percent salary increases for teachers and other employees.

Its approval Tuesday simply finalizes a proposal to send to Dean and the Metro Council for consideration later this spring. Talks leading up to final approval figure to be more spirited than in the past.

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