Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tim Scott assured to win in South Carolina! He does not need your money.

Tim Scott
Senator Tim Scott
With elections taking place this fall, there is no shortage of appeals for money to support PACs, the Party, subsets of the Party, and individual candidates. One can't support them all. I am a person of modest means but I try to support candidates and causes I believe in.  However,  I want to put my money where it will have an impact.  I don't want to give money to a candidate who already has a war chest that is ten times that of only token opposition.  Also, I do not want to give money to a candidate that I know is going to lose.  Much of my giving is to local and State candidates for office but I do give some to the State and national Party and some PACs and, here and there, to other candidates.

Tim Scott was one of those candidates I was going to support with a financial contribution. I want to see Scott win. He is a fiscal and social conservative, smart and articulate and he is Black. With attractive Black candidates, the Republican Party may be able to break the lock Democrats have on the Black vote.  Scott also has the support of tea party groups.  Having a Black candidate supported by tea party groups undermines the Democrat narrative that the tea party is racist.  Democrats have been vicious in denouncing Scott. The NAACP said he was a ventriloquist dummy for Republicans. Democrats really like Black people as long as they stay on the liberal plantation, but let them stray and think for themselves and Democrats get really nasty.

Today I received a solicitation from a PAC called  Patriots for Economic Freedom asking for a contribution to help the Scott campaign. I was doing some research to determine if I should support this PAC or give to the Scott candidacy directly or through another PAC, when I discovered his campaign doesn't need any money. Scott is assured to win and does not need my contribution. This blog post is much different than what I intended to write. I was going to say, I had contributed to the Scott campaign and was going to ask readers to contribute to this important campaign. Don't. Spend your money elsewhere where it will make a difference.

Tim Scott  is the junior United States Senator for South Carolina. He became a senator in 2013 after South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley named him to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Jim DeMint. Prior to his appointment to the Senate, he served in the United States House of Representatives from 2011 to 2013, being the first Republican African-American Representative from South Carolina since 1897.  Prior to that he served one term in the South Carolina General Assembly and prior to that he served as a Council Member on the Charleston County Council from 1996 to 2008. Scott will be on the ballot this November in a special election to complete the Demint term to which he was appointed.

Scott is one of only two African-American members of the United States Senate, the first African-American senator from the state of South Carolina, and the first from the South since 1881. Scott has only token opposition in the Republican primary and looks in good shape to win the election in November.  His primary Democrat opponent was Rick Wade, a former Barack Obama official. Wade had served in staff positions in several Democrat gubernatorial administration, was a big Obama supporter and had been rewarded for his support of Obama by being given a position in the Commerce Department.  Wade was considered the strongest potential challenger to Scott. He had filed to run three months earlier, but withdrew last month saying there was not time to raise sufficient money to mount a credible campaign against Scott.  This leaves only long-shot Democratic candidate Joyce Dickerson, a Richland County councilwoman as a Democratic opponent of Scott. The Tim Scott race is over before it even began and I could not be more pleased.

The lesson to take away from this is that those of us who contribute to campaigns need to be cautions about who we support. Those who contributed early probably helped ensure that Wade dropped out and that no serious challenger remains in the race. That was money well spend. A big war chest can scare off potential opponents.   To give at this point however is pointless.  An unknown county councilman with no statewide name recognition and little money is not going to defeat Tim Scott.

There are a lot of organizations raising money.  Often the money is used to support the organization and give them clout.  I am glad I did not click on that "contribute" button on the Patriots for Economic Freedom solicitation.

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2014/03/06/3308876/election-2014-rick-wade-drops.html#storylink=cpy

Last year Scott was key note speaker at the Tennessee  Republican Party's annual fundraising dinner in Nashville. He gives a great speech. He is motivational and rousing.  He may have the potential to be a presidential candidate some day or certainly a vice presidential candidate. I also saw him speak at CPAC this year. Below is a portion of his CPAC speech:

former Barack Obama official Rick Wade has officially dropped out of the race
former Barack Obama official Rick Wade has officially dropped out of the race
Read more at http://www.fitsnews.com/2014/03/07/rick-wade-democratic-retreat/#tXzslbEPP76E84rT.99

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