Tuesday, April 15, 2014

URGENT Call to Action: Fairgrounds once again in Jeopardy

From Save our Fairgrounds:  
There is an amendment to change to referendum being presented by Councilman Sandra Moore on Tuesday's METRO COUNCIL meeting.  

Please contact your councilman \ all councilmembers and tell them to VOTE NO to this amendment The following is the language which will be up for vote:

AMENDMENT NO. __________ 11.602 of Article 11 of the Charter of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County shall be amended by deleting subsection (d) in its entirety and substituting with the following new subsection (d):

(d) All uses of and activities conducted on the premises of the Tennessee State Fairgrounds as of December 31, 2010, including, but not limited to, the Fair, Expo Center Events, Flea Markets, and Auto Racing, shall be continued on the premises unless the elimination or modification of such uses or activities is approved by the Metropolitan Council by an ordinance receiving twenty-seven (27) affirmative votes. Likewise, no redevelopment or demolition of the Tennessee State Fairgrounds premises shall occur without the approval of the Metropolitan Council by an ordinance receiving twenty-seven (27) affirmative votes.” 

Sponsored by: Sandra Moore

This will change and make the fairgrounds once again vulnerable, giving authority to the Council \ government and not the people.  The people spoke with 72% voting for this referendum to keep the fairgrounds and it's existing uses.  This is a total disregard to the wishes of the people!!!! 

We urge everyone to contact their councilman and ask them to VOTE NO to this amendment.  

You can also contact all metro council members by emailing councilmembers@nashville.gov

Thank you for your support in helping us SAVE OUR FAIRGROUNDS!

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