Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ashley Judd makes pitch for Jeff Yarbro at fundraiser

Ashley Judd
by Michael Cass, The Tennessean, May 28, 2014 - Williamson County's most famous Democrat ventured up Interstate 65 on Wednesday to help a Nashville candidate who's looking to hold on to one of the party's few seats in the state Senate.

Calling herself a "district interloper," actress-activist Ashley Judd spoke at a fundraiser for Jeff Yarbro, who's running against Mary Mancini for the Democratic nomination in Senate District 21. Sen. Douglas Henry, a Democrat who is retiring, has represented the district since 1971.

Judd said she first met Yarbro, an attorney who nearly defeated Henry in the 2010 primary, on the way home from the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., where she was a Tennessee delegate. (link)

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