Friday, May 30, 2014

Blueprint for a Red Nation: Statesmen’s Dinner Success Ensures Tennessee Will Remain a Model for the Rest of the Nation

Governor Christie, Over 1,700 Attendees Help to Bring in Over $700,000 to TNGOP

TN GOP press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Tennessee gave a warm and enthusiastic welcome to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie at this evening’s Tennessee Republican Party Statesmen’s Dinner.

Gov. Christie was introduced to a sellout crowd by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam who outlined Christie’s strong record of leadership as New Jersey’s chief executive and as the Chairman of the Republican Governors Association. “I appreciate the leadership Governor Christie has shown. As tonight’s event demonstrated, he knows what it takes to win and be successful—attributes Tennessee Republicans know and respect,” remarked Haslam. “Anyone who was in attendance will be able to tell you that Governor Christie is going to play a prominent role for our Party in 2014 and beyond.”

Gov. Christie added, “With its recent economic and educational achievements, Tennessee is clearly moving in the right direction. Thanks to the efforts of Gov. Haslam and Republican leaders, Tennessee is a model for success."

During the event, TNGOP Chairman Chris Devaney announced that, while the totals were still being finalized, the event would easily finish as one of the Party’s top three all-time events both in terms of total attendance and in dollars raised. Devaney stated, “We showcased some star power tonight, both from within our own ranks and also from a national perspective. Clearly, tonight would not have been possible without Congressman Marsha Blackburn’s outstanding effort as our Dinner Chair. With over 1,700 attendees and over $700,000 raised, the Tennessee Republican Party is well positioned to ensure our state continues being a ‘blueprint for a red nation.’”

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