Monday, May 05, 2014

First Tuesday guest will be TN Republican State Party Chairman Chris Devaney

From Tim Skow host of First Tuesday:

Mark your calendars... secure seating for you and those you know who care about politics, Nashville, Tennessee and many facets of our future.

 Many of you have heard that Nashville will be the focus of virtually all political activity in TN in 2014.... An OPEN and very competitive St. Senate seat, 4 St. House seats that are in play, a critical Metro office and 5 Judge races where Republicans will be on the ballot in August .... Nashville Republicans have NEVER had a sooooo much to do for sooooo many Nashville Republican candidates !

These races all have much to say about 2015 Metro races and if LIBs get their dream of turning Nashville into "The San Francisco of the South"

[ LIBs actually have such a plan ...some of you have heard about it ! ]

On TUESDAY, May 13th, our guest will be TN Republican State Party Chairman Chris Devaney...... You can expect to hear what the State Party is doing to focus their time, efforts, resources and more on Nashville in 2014... and what they can... [and CANNOT ] do in 2015. Given the nature and importance of this event... it will be closed only to those who are 1ST TUESDAY Members, friends and those known to be on our side. This will be a meeting of impact and meaning. Plan accordingly and expect a full and wide ranging discussion. The next 15 months are critical to Nashville's future !

We are meeting on the 2nd Tuesday this month for multiple good reasons. Many of you know we avoid meeting on any Election Day so some of our friends can work the polls. By meeting on May 13th, we also fall inside the time frame requested for announcing our MEGA-meeting on June 3rd. And you can expect to also hear who is making plans to visit 1ST TUESDAY in July and August... you can bet on this... THE JOINT WILL BE JUMPING !!!!

The room will sell out for each of the following 3 events... Those attending on May 13th will be able to secure seating for each.. or all .. that day.. So plan accordingly !!!

As usual, doors at WALLER Law [511 Union Street, 27th floor] will open at 11AM for Coffee and Social Time. We expect several of the 2014 candidates to join us at 11AM, so please do so as well if your schedule allows.

Lunch will be available at 11:30 and our program will start at Noon. Cost is $20 for 2014 Members and $25 for Guests.

Visit the 1STUESDAY website at and click on Shopping Cart ... to seating for you and your guests !!

Our Q&A session will run till 1:00PM, but plan to stay and chat with candidates and those from the State Party who be there if your schedule allows.

As mentioned... those Members attending will be allowed to secure seating for upcoming meetings while there before the room sells out in the few days that will follow !

In closing ... a few quick reminders and notices... Vote on Tuesday, May 6th. Join us for lunch on May 13th. May 29th will be the Latinos For Tennessee event at Dr. Mark Green's home, May 30th is the Statesmen's Dinner and June 3rd will be a MEGA-event day at 1ST TUESDAY !

look forward to seeing you on TUESDAY, MAY 13th for what will be a most meaningful, exciting and important meeting..

See you soon !
Tim Skow Host of 1ST TUESDAY

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