Monday, May 05, 2014

Five Things To Know About The Mayor's New Budget

Nashville Scene,  by Steven Hale, May 1, 2014 - After Mayor Karl Dean announced various pieces of it in his State of Metro address yesterday, Finance Director Rich Riebeling briefed Metro Council members on the administration's budget proposal.

The $1.89 billion budget proposal is $79 million larger than the current fiscal year's, representing a 4.37 percent increase. It does not include a property tax increase.

Here are five things to know: (link)
My Comment: This is a good article. The five things are these:
  • Reserves: we are dipping into them.
  • Debt Service: we will pay down some of the debt.
  • Schools: They get more; they get most of the money.
  • Employee salaries and benefits: More money including same-sex partner benefits.
  • Capital Spending: more spending including $15 million for sidewalks.

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