Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Great opportunity for young conservative activist


Do you know someone who is interested in saving America's universities?

You or someone you know can become one of the nation’s best-trained, most effective, conservative leaders through the Leadership Institute’s 2014 Fall Field Representative Program.

Each year LI’s National Field Program sends out across the country a team of motivated, highly trained field representatives.  LI field reps help students promote and defend their conservative principles on campus.

Currently, LI’s Campus Leadership Program includes 1,553 active campus groups.

Now, you or some other dedicated conservative you know can join LI as a full-time fall field representative.

The pay is generous.  The experience is priceless.

Opportunities for full-time, paid jobs fighting for your beliefs do not come along very often.

Your employment with LI as a field rep is résumé gold.  Field reps use the experience and connections gained from LI’s National Field Representative Program to launch rewarding careers in:
  • Grassroots activism
  • Political campaigns
  • Public policy
  • Congressional offices
  • Lobbying
  • Conservative non-profit organizations
To take advantage of this unique opportunity, apply online at www.ConservativeJobs.com/FieldRep.

As a field rep, you will travel to the campuses in your assigned region to identify, recruit, organize, and train conservative students to win battles against the radical left on their campuses.

LI will fly you to the Institute’s Arlington, VA, headquarters for a week of intensive training in August and provide you with the tools and techniques necessary for success.

If you know of others who might like to join LI as a field rep, please pass this email along.

Be aware that these positions fill up fast, so time is of the essence.

Morton Blackwell

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