Monday, May 12, 2014

Irregularities in May 6 voter data led to double voting

Nashville Scene, by Steven Hale on Mon, May 12, 2014 - Last Tuesday, as Davidson County voters were casting their ballots in local judicial primaries, election officials realized there was a problem — more than 10,000 people could have voted twice, and no one working the polls would have known to stop them.

Davidson County Elections Administrator Kent Wall confirms to Pith that around 11 a.m. on election day, a poll worker reported discovering that a person who had voted early was not recorded as having done so in the electronic poll books (EPBs), which are used to verify voter information, such as their correct precinct, and whether they have already voted. Wall says that IT staff at the election commission and their counterparts at Election Systems & Software (ES&S) — which manufactures the EPBs and related software — soon determined what had gone wrong. (link)

My Comment: It looks like we would have been better off with Albert Tieche in charge.

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