Monday, May 19, 2014

Senator Mark Green profiled in U.S. News as one of "The Next Faces of the Republican Party."

There a great, insightful, flattering profile of Senator Mark Green appearing in current issue of U. S. News. He has "star potential" the article says.

Here are some excerpts:
State Sen. Mark Green’s resume reads like a casting call for politics. A former Army Ranger and special operations flight surgeon who interviewed Saddam Hussein on the night of his capture in Iraq, the U.S. Military Academy graduate also started his own emergency room management company where he remains CEO to this day.
GOP recruiters are convinced Green’s time will come. But in the meantime, he’s been thinking about how Republicans can more effectively speak to lower-income and working-class folks about their economic hardships.

“The problem is we’re not connecting with people on their level,” he says. “We’ve got to stop talking about cutting taxes, reducing the size of government. That’s the means to the end. We’ve got to talk about the end. These people who have been left behind, they don’t want to hear, cut taxes or cut the size of government. What they want to hear is, is, ‘I could own my own restaurant some day.’ And they can.”
To read the article, follow this link: The Next Faces of the Republican Party.

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  1. I haven't heard anyone elected to office in Nashville talking about cutting taxes or reducing the size of government. The Republican super majority has been totally useless.

  2. Dave I assume then that you missed the 10 or so articles, television reports etc on me working very hard to cut the Hall Tax, as well as the annual cuts in the food sales tax to name a few. Here is an article on my op-ed on cutting the Hall Tax: Its a good place to find Republican's trying to cut taxes on the elderly who've saved all their lives and are then hit by a regressive tax. If you are for cutting the tax you can go here and sign the petition:

    Other articles:
