Monday, May 12, 2014

Southeast Nashville Conservatives' Breakfast: Meet the Candidates

Saturday, May 17, Shoney's (Antioch) Bell Rd @ Cane Ridge Road I-24E (Bell Road Exit) Breakfast/Social 8:30 am Meeting/Speakers 9:00 -10:00 am 
This Meeting..... Meet the Candidates 
 Sterlina Brady, State Senate 19 

State House 51: Brian L. Mason, Joshua Rawlings

Mwafaq Aljabbary
candidate, State Senate 21
Diana Cuellar
candidate, State Senate 21
Quincy McKnight
candidate, State Senate 21

John Wang, State House 53

Jim Gotto, State House 60
Troy Brewer, State House 50

This will be a great meeting. Have your questions ready for the candidates. See you on the 17th! Hosted by: Robert Duvall & Pat Carl

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