Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Adam Dread for General Sessions "foodie" fundraiser", June 10th

Please join us for
Blue Moon in June…  a “foodie” fundraiser for
 Adam Dread for General Sessions Judge,  Davidson County General Sessions Court, Division IX
Featuring delicious samplings from many of your favorite Nashville Original and Independent Restaurants that have generously contributed signature dishes

Tuesday, June 10th 5:00 - 8:00 pm 
Blue Moon Waterfront Grill, At Rock Harbor Marina, 525 Basswood Avenue.Nashville, TN  37209
 Suggested donation is $99 per person/couple. Please RSVP to contact@judgedread.com.
Contribute online to elect Adam Dread at http://t.e2ma.net/click/0iblf/cgdioi/oxif7b

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