Friday, June 13, 2014

Caffeinated Conservatives June Meeting - Common Core Edition

From Stephen Clements, the original Caffeinated Conservative:

Hi everybody,
Saturday June 21st from Noon - 2 PM at Bagelface Bakery (700 Main Street in East
Nashville), come talk with David Mansouri, Executive Vice President of SCORE (State Collaborative on Reforming Education), a non-profit education think tank founded by former Senator Bill Frist, and a member of the Board of Directors of Nashville Classical Charter School. I asked him to come tell us why Common Core is a great idea, so bring your questions about education and Common Core, a friend, and your appetite for great bagels and coffee!

Stephen Clements

Caffeinated Conservatives

Check out the SCORE website for more information on this advocacy group:
The Davidson County Republican Party Annual Picnic is June 14th, so get your tickets here!
Our friends at the Nashville TEA Party have Senator Ted Cruz's dad, Rafael Cruz, coming to deliver a barn-burner of a speach! It's free to attend, but I plan on buying one of the VIP seats. See you there on July 19th!

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