Friday, June 20, 2014

Councilman Robert Duvall, Chair of the Davidson County Republican Party, call for Moreland to resign.

Statement From Davidson County Republican Party Chairman Robert Duvall -

Robert Duvall
 "Over the past forty -­‐ eight hours, the Davidson County Republican Party has watched the controversy surrounding Judge Casey Moreland with growing concern. We decided to withhold judgment until Judge Moreland came forward and availed himself of the opportunity to explain his questionable decision to waive the required twelve hour "cooling off" period in a domestic violence case. His decision resulted in a second assault by the perpetrator on the same victim. 

Now that Judge Moreland has broken his public silence on the issue, the Davidson County Republican Party is compelled to add our voice to those calling for him to step down from the General Sessions bench. 

With his statements to television media, Judge Moreland has proven he does not fully grasp the grave repercussions of his attitude toward this domestic violence case; choosing rather to engage Metro Police Chief Steve Anderson in a public spat. 

Where we hoped and expected to see honest contrition for an exceptionally poor decision, we instead witnessed an embarrassing public display of personal animosity that diminishes respect for the bench and damages public faith in our system. 

Domestic abuse degrades its victims, cheapens respect for women and shames our society. Until leaders we expect to set the s tandard understand that fact and join a sincere effort to end violence, we as a community will suffer. We commend Chief Anderson for his leadership in calling attention to this issue and appreciate his willingness to jolt the courthouse into action. 

The Davidson County Republican Party calls upon Judge Moreland to resign and allow for a replacement to his seat who will protect victims of domestic violence, perform their duties with honor and restore trust in Nashville's courts

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