Friday, June 13, 2014

Joe Carr interviewed on Laura Ingram, gets ink in Washington Times, and more.

Since the Eric Cantor loss, more attention has been focused by the national media, especially the conservative media, on other races where tea party challengers are challenging more establishment Republicans, including Joe Carr's challenge to Lamar Alexander here in Tennessee. I am still convinced that it would take a miracle for Joe Carr to beat Lamar and believe the more people learn about Carr the less likely they would be to vote for him, still his campaign is benefiting from the turn of events in Virginia. Conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham interviewed Joe Carr today for 17 minutes. Follow this link to listen to the audio.  Does Joe Carr have what it takes to oust Lamar Alexander? - June 13, 2014.

Yesterday, writing in the Washington Times, Judson Phillips continues to push the Carr candidacy writing:

And many people are now asking, “Who is the next Dave Brat?”
His name is Joe Carr, and he’s taking on Lamar Alexander, the liberal Republican senator from Tennessee. (link)
Joe Carr is also interviewed today on the JD Hayworth NewsMaxTV America's Forum internet program and you can find the video here.

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