Monday, June 16, 2014

Mary Pierce vs Becky Sharpe in School Board District 8 race. Future of Charter Schools is dividing issue.

Green Hills school board race a battleground for charter school fight

by Joey Garrison, The Tennessean, July 17, 2014 -  Green Hills has become this summer’s battleground for a debate on charter schools that only seems to grow louder.

Its leading actors are two mothers in their 40s competing for the Metro Nashville Board of Education District 8, a largely affluent swath that lacks a single charter school but where some parents have sought one in the past.

And while one of the candidates, Becky Sharpe, believes she’s been miscast as a charter skeptic, stakeholders began drawing lines months ago between contenders who overlap in many other areas.
Her opponent, Mary Pierce, is a favorite of a pro-charter crowd that is......(read more)

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