Friday, June 13, 2014

School Board meeting of 6/10/14: Pinkston's fight against School choice stalls. Pinkston loses ground in other fights.

Here is the School board meeting video of 6/10/2014. It is almost four hours long and I have not watched it and don't believe I will have an opportunity to watch it and report on it. If I do, look for updates. If someone else watches it and finds anything interesting please leave a comment and a time stamp notation.

The School Board produces great agenda's with all the same handout that members of the Board get. To get your own copy of the 140-page agenda, follow this link.

Here are news reports of the meeting:

Pinkston’s No Good, Awful, Very Bad School Board Meeting  

 The Nashville Scene, byAndrea Zelinski on Wed, Jun 11, 2014 - After having long driven the agenda of the Metro Nashville School Board, Will Pinkston’s priorities hit turbulence at last night’s board meeting. 
Not only did his effort to delay approval of new zoning lines in the Hillsboro cluster fail, but the board picked apart his plan for public engagement and he found out the financial model he was counting on using to evaluate charter school applications would be useless this year.(link)

School board emails to Register vary wildly

The Tennessean, by Joey Garrison, June 11, 2014 - For every email JoAnn Brannon and Sharon Gentry sent Metro Director of Schools Jesse Register in recent months, their school board colleague Will Pinkston sent more than 100 to the superintendent.

Contact via email between members of the Metro Nashville Board of Education and Register varies wildly, according to a board breakdown provided to The Tennessean by the district upon request.
Register came to last week’s Governance Committee school board meeting prepared with this list in hand. After he received criticism from Pinkston about his administration’s response to constituent complaints and questions, the superintendent provided media with a count of Pinkston’s email tally. (link)

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