Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tell your Councilman to vote "no" on same-sex Metro benefits.

Tell your Councilman to vote "no" on same-sex Metro benefits.
In a recent Tennessean article one Councilman is quoted as saying he had not received a single call about the same-sex domestic partners benefit bill. The homosexual community has been vocal in support of this bill and unfortunately advocates of traditional values have been silent.

When this bill was on Second Reading two Republicans, Carter Todd and Charlie Tygard, actually voted for it and two others, Karen Bennett and Davette Blalock, abstained. To see how all members of the council voted follow this link: How the Council voted on same-sex Metro benefits & who simply did not vote.

To email your councilman, follow this link and you may email all councilmen or just your own councilman with the click of a button. If you do not know who your councilman is, there is a tool where you can enter your address and the website will tell you who is your council member.

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