Monday, June 02, 2014

Tue. June 10, Americans for Prosperity is sponsoring Conservative Conversation and Cocktails

From Conservative Conversation and Cocktails:

Meeting at Three Brothers Restaurant 114 N Church Street Murfreesboro TN 37130 
Tuesday, June 10 at 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Americans for Prosperity is sponsoring 3C's this month as part of their "Freedom on Tap" grassroots event series. This means that along with our regular Conservative Conversation and Cocktails , Americans for Prosperity is BUYING enough FINGER FOODS and BEER for EVERYONE. Come out and learn about getting involved in AFP's efforts to bring limited government, lower taxes and more freedom to the State of Tennessee. Our scheduled speakers for the evening are Mishelle Perkins, Lynn Davis, James Gann and Jim Sandman coming to speak to you about the State Executive Committee (SEC). This will be a great informational meeting.

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