Monday, June 09, 2014

What's on the Council Agenda for June 10th

The Metro Council is meeting in a special session this June 10th. The only thing on the agenda are bills on third reading and only the non controversial ones, mostly zoning bills.  The Capital Improvements budget is on the agenda. I am not sure what necessitates this special meeting but I think it may be that the Capital Improvements Budget has to pass before the Council can approve the operating budget, but it could be something else.  There is not yet a staff analysis. To get your copy of the agenda, follow this link.

Below are the important bills on the agenda.
BILL NO. BL2014-747 is the Google communications hut bill. It has overwhelming support and is not controversial, but it is a big deal.
BILL NO. BL2014-788 is the capital improvements budget. I believe this is amendable on third reading. To see staff analysis listing of what is in the capital improvements budget for funding this year, follow this link. The analysis organizes projects by district, so Councilmen and interested citizens can see what projects there district is likely to get. For anyone who is real interested, on the first page of that analysis is link to the full capital improvements budget. The Capital Improvements Budget is a planning document. To fund a capital improvement, the project has to be in the CIB. That however, does not guarantee it will be funded. If it is to be funded out of the 4% fund or by GO bonds or revenue bonds, the project still has to come back to the Council to be approved. A portion of the operating budget funds debt service. If the Council makes less money available for debt service, then fewer projects get funded; more for debt service means more projects get funded. Projects are also ranked. Those ranked high have a good chance of being funded, those ranked low, may get funded someday. Some projects are on the CIB for years before they are funded and some on the CIB never get funded and sometimes projects are taken off the list.

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