Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Alexander Campaign Launches Obamacare Ad, Announces Fundraising Totals

Campaign reports more than $900,000 in second-quarter fundraising, with $3.4 million cash on hand

NASHVILLE –  Lamar Alexander’s re-election campaign today announced the launch of a statewide television ad demonstrating his consistent, principled stand against Obamacare, and disclosed that he’d raised more than $900,000 in the second quarter. Alexander’s cash on hand stands at more than $3.4 million.

The ad begins, “Republicans chose Tennessee’s Lamar Alexander to lead” and shows Alexander’s debate with President Obama at the White House Health Care Summit. The two spar over Alexander’s statement that the president’s plan would lead to more expensive health insurance premiums for individuals. Later, both President Obama and Fox News affirmed that Alexander was right – and the president was wrong – about the true costs of Obamacare.

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