Friday, July 11, 2014

Alexander: Send National Guard to border

WBIR. Com, July, 10, 2014, WASHINGTON – Sen. Lamar Alexander said Thursday President Barack Obama still lacks a "serious plan" for addressing the border crossings by Central American children and should consider calling out the National Guard.

Alexander, a Republican running for re-election, said a meaningful plan would propose securing the Rio Grande River sector of the U.S. southern border, sending children home safely and changing a 2008 law regarded as interfering with a solution.

An estimated 57,000 have crossed since Oct. 1, 2013.

To secure the border, Obama should utilize the National Guard, following the lead of former President George W. Bush, who used the guard to help U.S. Customs and Border Protection reverse a surge of illegal immigration in 2006, the Tennessee lawmaker said.  "President Bush's efforts paid off," Alexander said .... (link)

My Comment: I could not agree more. If President Obama was serious about turning the tide and solving the problem, he would immediately seal the border. Congress should go ahead and change the law to allow DHS to offer voluntary removal to all unaccompanied children who are picked up at the border. Now, the border patrol can offer that option only to children who cross the border from Mexico and most of the children crossing the border are not from Mexico but from Honduras, Guatemala, or El Salvador. Before Congress appropriates any of the requested $3.7 billion in emergency funding to deal with the surge of children on the border, the National Guard should be placed on the border to prohibit more illegal entry and the law should be changed to permit "voluntary removal" of those who have made it across.

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