Sunday, July 06, 2014

Diana Cuellar's responce to the Family Action Council of Tennessee survey

Diana Cuellar
The Family Action Council of Tennessee produces a good campaign guide for those concerned with religious liberty, family values, and pro-life issues.  Each candidate running for a contested seat for state house or senate for the August 7th primary are offered the opportunity to answerer a list of questions stating their position on the issues, answer five essay questions and submit a video greeting to be posted on the FACT website. In the Senate District 21 race, of the two Democrats and three Republicans competing for their party's nomination for that seat, only Diana Cuellar (R) responded to the survey. 

I can understand the two Democrats not responding to the survey. Both are pro-choice and pro-gay agenda and I doubt few who see the FACT information will be voting in the Democrat Primary anyway. I do not understand why the other two Republicans competing for the Republican nomination did not complete the survey.

Cuellar answers she would oppose legislation that would recognize civil unions, she would support legislation that would prohibit abortions except in the case of when necessary to save the life of the mother, would support repeal of the Hall Income Tax,  would oppose laws that would make "sexual orientation" or "gender expression" a protected class, and would oppose laws that prohibited non-married people from jointly adopting children in state custody. To see the complete Senate District 21 survey follow this link.


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