Monday, July 28, 2014

Eagle Forum endorces Joe Carr

Press release, Washington, D.C. — Eagle Forum PAC, a conservative public policy organization founded by pro-family leader Phyllis Schlafly, is proud to endorse Tennessee State Rep. Joe Carr in the Republican primary for the United States Senate.

“Joe Carr will stand up for families in the U.S. Senate,” said Schlafly. “He is a strong voice for limited government and traditional values. When President Obama and his allies in the Senate attack our constitutional liberties, Joe will always defend them.”

“Joe spoke out against the amnesty that Democrats and establishment Republicans wanted to give to millions of illegal immigrants, and the crisis on our southern border has proved him right,” said Schlafly. “He recognizes the damage that illegal immigration inflicts on Tennessee’s working families. He will fight for a conservative solution that makes border security a priority and restores the rule of law.”

“Every day, the President and liberals in the Senate are working to undermine our most fundamental liberties,” added Schlafly. “Joe understands that our rights don’t belong to the government. He has been a tireless advocate for the unborn, traditional marriage, and the Second Amendment, and he will be the same in the U.S. Senate.”

“President Obama has drawn a line in the sand,” concluded Schlafly, “and he will not back away unless we have strong conservative leaders like Joe Carr standing up and fighting back.  Now more than ever, we need to rally behind true conservatives like Joe Carr.”

Eagle Forum PAC supports candidates who are committed to a conservative philosophy of limited government, national sovereignty and traditional values.

My Comment: My posting of a press release does not imply agreement. I am strongly  supporting Lamar Alexander.  The press release does not say how much money, if any, will be accompany the endorsement. With the election just eleven days away, I suspect any funding to Carr will be too late to help and most people who could be swayed by an Eagle Forum endorsement were probably for Joe Carr anyway. Rod

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