Monday, July 07, 2014

"Friend-Raising event for Len Silverman, Thursday July 10th

You Are Invited To A
Special "Friend-Raising" Event for
Len Silverman
Republican Candidate for State Representative, 45th District
When: Thursday, July 10th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Where: The beautiful home of Susan Garrett, 112 Emily Court in Goodlettsville

There will be plenty of food and beverages for adults and we will all be able to mix and mingle in a casual atmosphere.  Best of all, we'd like you to be our guest at the event...this is a "Friend-Raisier".
The event is FREE. Donations, however, are always welcome and appreciated.  

Host committee

Diamond: Susan Garrett, David and Leslie Stephens, Johnny and Kara Garrett Robert & Dianne Jennings, David and Dara Kimbrough Danny and Jean Hale

Platinum: Steve and Evelyn Botts, Jud & Kristina Broome, Keith Dennen Abe & Sandra Gaskins, Joe & Angela Gaskins, Zeke & Jamie Gaskins Mark & Lisa Lowhorn, Robin Lyons, D. Fell Merwin, Tim & Joni Miller Dr. Bill & Erin Taylor, Tom & Janet Tucker

Gold: Bill & Cindy Bowen, Ron & Floranne Boyd, Bryan Chance, Stan Fields Scott & Amanda Foster, Jim Fuqua, Jerry & Jill Garrett, Mike & Lindy Gaughan, Soctt & Lori Gettelfinger, Charles Kimbrough, Sr, Don Long, David Luckey Art McClellan, Mike & Shannon Price, Bob & Bridgette Schmidle, David & Kelly Silverman, Phyllis Silverman, Bill & Amanda Sinks, Jenny Uhl, Bill & Jana Von Kessel, Carl Whitmer, Tommy & Shirley Whittaker, Bill & Jennifer Wood, Lance Wray

Recently Elected Commissioners: Jerry Foster, Paul R. Goode, JoAnne Kemp, Caroline Krueger, Scott Langford, Patricia LeMarbe, Leslie Schell, Dr. Bill Taylor, Chris Taylor

Other elected officials: Beth Cox, Scott Sprouse, Lisa West

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