Monday, July 07, 2014


Press release, Memphis, TN – Dr. George Flinn, conservative Republican candidate for U.S. Senate visited the border town of McAllen, Texas this past week to gain first-hand knowledge of the illegal immigration crisis occurring.
“While in McAllen, it was evident our southern border is open. I stood on the Rio Grande and saw many deserted items such as backpacks, life jackets, and clothing. There is a lack of manpower. We must demand the borders be sealed now. This is not merely an economic or humanitarian issue…we are dealing with a national security crisis,” said Dr. Flinn.
“We cannot turn a blind eye to the violent gangs, drugs, and terrorist organizations infiltrating our communities through our nation’s southern border. The federal government has a job to secure our nations borders and protect the citizens of our country and they have failed. The citizens of America are suffering as a result,” says Dr. Flinn
“While in McAllen I had the opportunity to attend a Homeland Security Committee field hearing on the surge of unaccompanied minors in which Governor Perry testified. The problem is far worse then people in Tennessee may imagine or are being told. While some candidates are giving blanket talking points about illegal immigration, or just ignoring the issue all together like Lamar Alexander, Tennesseans need to be aware this is an issue of national security—we need to act immediately,” said Dr. Flinn.
“Governor Perry has been warning President Obama about the crisis at the border including the influx of minor children since May of 2012, when he wrote him a detailed letter on the situation, and as I heard him testify this past Thursday in McAllen, two years later, he still hasn’t received a response. These children have been told that if they come here then they can stay. Our government is only encouraging this behavior by its policies. We need to stand firm and send a message that we are a country of laws and we abide by these law,” said Dr. Flinn.
“I met some of these children when I visited McAllen. After speaking with them personally, I can say without a doubt, we are not doing them any favors by not adhering to our laws. We need to seal our borders and send a message to countries sending these children that breaking the law will not be tolerated. We need to send them home,” said Dr. Flinn.
“Tennesseans deserve a Senator that will gain knowledge on important issues and stand-up and speak out on them. We have not heard a word from Lamar Alexander on the crisis at the border, despite the fact that it affects each and everyone of us. This is a national security issue and we should be treating it as such. As U.S. Senator I will remain committed to always fighting for the citizens of Tennessee.”

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