Monday, August 04, 2014

Kathleen Starnes endorses D. J. King for Republican Party State Executive Committee

Kathleen Starnes
DJ King is a breath of fresh air. He is young, experienced and energetic to help the party bring young conservatives to the table. If you live in the 19th Senate District, please consider DJ King to represent you as a State Executive Committee man. 
Kathleen Starnes
My name is D.J. King and I am running to be your District 19 Republican State Executive Committeeman.  As a seventh generation Tennessean, I learned the value of hard work and community service at an early age.  I want to be your SEC representative because I believe in the importance of protecting our conservative values, growing the Republican Party in Davidson County, bringing innovative tools to winning elections and engaging future generations across our great state. 
 Early voting is already underway and I humbly ask for your vote and support this election year. 
God bless, 
Kathleen Starnes is the immediate past Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party. D. J. King is the candidate running against Republican Party State Executive Committee member Mark Winslow in District 19. Winslow is the Republican SEC member who is campaigning for a liberal Democrat against our own Republican candidate for a judgeship. Winslow has also, in the pass, sued the Tennessee Republican Party. Winslow needs to be defeated. (For background on this issue, follow this link.)

If you live in the 19th Senatorial District, please vote for D.J. King.

When you go to the polls, please vote for Marian Cheadle Fordyce for General Sessions Judge. She is by far the more qualified candidate. It is a shame that she is being stabbed in back by a member of the Party's State Executive Committee.

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