Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Laura Ingraham "all in for Joe Carr"

Joe Carr Press Release, Nashville TN - Nationally syndicated conservative talk radio show host Laura Ingraham today announced that she was “all in for Joe Carr” in his campaign to defeat Tennessee incumbent Senator Lamar Alexander.

“Lamar Alexander, the August primary is coming up, Joe Carr is his challenger.  I’m all in for Joe Carr,” Ingraham said on her show today.  “I think he’s, look, he’s no nonsense, a citizen legislator he’ll be and he’ll be someone who will actually listen to the people, politicians at some point do have to listen to the concerns of the people, not just the concerns of one or two, big, fat, interest groups like either LaRaza or the Chamber of Commerce, the people still count, don’t they Lamar?”

“Laura Ingraham was one of the very first national voices who felt that our campaign against Lamar Alexander’s brazen support of amnesty was credible and viable,” said TN State Rep. and U.S. Senate candidate Joe Carr.  “After seeing the significant impact Laura had on the Dave Brat-Eric Cantor race, we believe this can be a game-changing moment in this campaign.”

Just last week, the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, led by Jenny Beth Martin, announced their support of Carr saying, “While Joe Carr has been a genuine leader – not just a reliable vote – in the fight against illegal immigration, Lamar Alexander voted with Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid and John McCain for the Gang of Eight amnesty bill.  Joe wants to preserve American sovereignty; Lamar Alexander’s policies are producing a human wave of criminality and disease on the Rio Grande.”

The Joe Carr for Senate campaign has received the endorsement of 20 members of the Tennessee State Legislature and more than 60 conservative groups in Tennessee.  This month, the campaign has also gone up statewide with two television ads -“Listen”  and “Crisis in America.”

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