Thursday, July 17, 2014

National Association for Gun Rights Political Action Committee (NAGR-PAC) endorces Joe Carr

Joe Carr Press Release, Nashville, TN – The Joe Carr for Senate campaign today announced that the National Association for Gun Rights Political Action Committee (NAGR-PAC) has endorsed the campaign responding to his record of sponsoring and pushing strong Second Amendment legislation that showcased his willingness to fight for our most basic rights.

“Carr has gone on the record to protect gun owners from any policy, bill or backdoor gun control scheme that seeks to infringe upon our constitutionally, guaranteed freedoms,” says Dudley Brown, Executive Vice President of the National Association for Gun Rights PAC.  “Now more than ever we are in need of pro-gun representatives in the U.S. Senate.”

“Every day, our constitutional rights are under attack from this lawless President and his radical agenda,” said Carr.  “President Obama has made it very clear that he intends to continue using his executive authority to erode our most fundamental rights and we need representatives in the Senate who will take a stand and fight this President’s lawlessness.”

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