Friday, July 11, 2014

Southeast Nashville Conservatives' Breakfast Saturday, July 19

From Robert Duvall:

Southeast Nashville Conservatives' Breakfast 
Saturday, July 19 
Shoney's (Antioch) Bell Rd @ Cane Ridge Road, (I-24E Bell Road Exit) 
Breakfast/Social: 8:30 - 9:00 am, Program/Speakers: 9:00 - 10:00 am 

"Big John Smith", candidate for 5th Congressional District was scheduled for June's meeting. Due to his government vehicle catching fire, he was not able to make the meeting. "Big John" will be in the house on July 19 to speak.

Plus Guest Speakers 
 Mark Winslow & Karen Bennett 
Current elected officers of State Executive Committee ("SEC") for State Senate District 19 (which includes a major portion of South/Southeast Nashville &Antioch.) Both are running for reelection in August. Knowledgeable, accessible, objective, and active SEC members are vital to the fair and progressive operation and growth of the Republican Party. Mark and Karen have been invaluable and instrumental in our conservative growth in South/Southeast/Antioch. Please attend on July 19th and hear all the reasons (I already know) as to why both Mark and Karen deserve your support and vote on August 7th. Bring your State Senate District 19 friends and neighbors.

State Executive Committee 
The Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee operates as the governing body for the state party. They establish rules and measures that best promote the success of the Republican Party and the broadening of its base. The SEC serves as the TNGOP's state primary board and also establishes policy to guide and direct County Republican Parties. Each member serves as a representative of the TNGOP in their home district (one man and one woman are elected from each State Senate district) and helps to organize and promote Republican activism at the local level.

Hosted by Robert Duvall and Pat Carl.
August and September Meetings we will focus on State Constitutional Amendments 1 (abortion) and 2 (how Supreme Court and Appellate Judges are appointed/elected)

My Comment: Mark Winslow is a controversial member of the SEC who in the past has sued the
Mark Winslow
State Party. For more on the controversies surrounding Mark Winslow, follow this link. The most recent controversy involving Mark Winslow was his support for a Democrat candidate for judge who is seeking the same seat as Republican
Marian Fodyce. To me, it certainly seems inappropriate for a member of the Republican State Executive Committee to be campaigning for a Democrat. 

Recently Karen Bennett, who is also a member of the Metro Council,  disappointed me when she abstained, instead of voting "no," on a bill that extended metro benefits to the domestic partner of same-sex
Karen Bennett
couples.  The measure is estimated to cost between $400,000 and $900,000 a year.  While the cost was reason enough to oppose the measure, in my view a more compelling reason is that we should not be normalizing what is a perverted life style.  We should not treat as if married, two homosexuals who live together. (link)

I will be unable to attend this meeting, but if one is attending they may want to ask Mark Winslow why he campaigned for a Democrat and ask Karen Bennett why she abstained on the same sex benefit bill. 

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1 comment:

  1. My e-mail to you of earlier today:
    "I attended ystdy and am glad to report that my own suspicions and concerns are allayed. Mark Winslow very directly and eagerly answered my questions.
    "About suing the Republican Party he reported that his contract had a non-disclosure agreement and that confidential records were left on someone's doorstep. Facing that situation I would have responded likewise. It sounds to me as Winslow described it, a contract issue for which he properly sought resolution through the court.
    "As to supporting a Democrat he reported that the firm he works for is owned by a Democrat and a Republican and the firm was hired to represent the Democrat and he performed as a faithful employee (my words, not his)."

    I don't know the details of Winslow's conservatism and I hope to have the opportunity to explore that more in depth. The substance of a candidate's beliefs are important to me, no less when seeking a leadership position in the party that claims to represent my beliefs.

    By the accounts of many there he is a staunch conservative, more important any day than a loyal Republican, to me.
