Friday, July 11, 2014

Tea Party Patriots endorse Joe Carr but money may or may not follow.

While Joe Carr has gotten quite a few endorsement from tea party groups across Tennessee he has not had success, until now, of getting support from deep-pocket national tea party organizations. Yesterday Tea Party Patriots announced they were endorsing Joe Carr. Below is the organization's statement:
The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) has endorsed State Rep. Joe Carr in the Tennessee Republican Senate primary. “Joe Carr embodies the values of personal freedom, economic freedom and a debt-free future,” TPPCF Chairman Jenny Beth Martin said. “In contrast to his incumbent opponent, Joe is willing to take the fight to both liberal Democrats and Establishment Republicans in defense of liberty.”

At a time when the byproducts of amnesty are on full display on America’s southern border, the contrast between Carr and the Establishment’s Lamar Alexander couldn’t be more compelling. “While Joe Carr has been a genuine leader – not just a reliable vote – in the fight against illegal immigration, Lamar Alexander voted with Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid and John McCain for the Gang of Eight amnesty bill,” Martin said. “Joe wants to preserve American sovereignty; Lamar Alexander’s policies are producing a human wave of criminality and disease on the Rio Grande.”

There is also a stark contrast between the two candidates’ positions on Obamacare. “Lamar Alexander again did Harry Reid’s bidding last fall, voting for cloture to bring the Obamacare budget to the Senate floor,” Martin said. “By contrast, Joe Carr has led the fight against Obamacare in the Volunteer State, co-sponsoring legislation that would forbid Medicaid expansion and setting up health care exchanges. Lamar Alexander is wrong on Obamacare and wrong on amnesty. Fortunately, conservatives in Tennessee have a choice, and we urge them to give Joe Carr their vote and their support. We’re proud to endorse him.”
It is unclear how much money, if any, will accompany the endorsement. According to the last filing report of May 31, 2014, Tea Party Patriots had raised $9.8 million and spent $9.3 million for the year.  Of the money spend however, most of it went to fund raising and overhead including a $15,000 a month salary to the organizations chairman, Jennifer “Jenny Beth” Martin.  (link) Only a little over $1 million was independent expenditure for or against candidates. Of the million they spend on independent expenditures, $800,000 was spend in the Thad Cochran- Chris Daniels race and other candidates got small amounts. In Nebraska Ben Sasse got only $4577. If Joe Carr gets that amount, that would pay his daughter Mattie's salary for five weeks. (link) Some people Tea Party Patriots endorse, however, get no money.

I am not endorsing Joe Carr, however if I were supporting Joe Carr, I would send him a contribution directly and not contribute to Tea Party Patriots. 


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