Monday, July 21, 2014

US Rep. Diane Black and State Rep. Susan Lynn Endorse Clark Boyd for State Senator

Rep. Susan Lynn, Clark Boyd, and Rep. Diane Black
State Senate candidate Clark Boyd who is running against Senator Mae Beavers has received the endorsement of Clark Boyd. In her email newsletter out today, Susan Lynn writes:
US Rep. Diane Black and I have both enthusiastically endorsed state Senate candidate Clark Boyd.  Clark is a veteran, small business owner in Lebanon, a loving husband, father and a Sunday school teacher. As immediate past Chairman of the Wilson County Republican Party Clark did an excellent job and his leadership made us very proud.  Clark will make us proud as our state Senator. 

Please visit Clark's website at, and on Clark's State Farm website you can see a video of Clark that you might enjoy viewing;  A state Senate district contains 180,000 people and Clark has been working very hard but because it is very difficult to meet each voter at their door Clark asked me to provide you with his phone number and websites: 615-618-3329. 
I am pleased to see Senator Black and Rep. Lynn, two people I greatly admire and respect, endorse Mr. Boyd.  I do not personally know Mr. Boyd but if I was voting in that district, I would be voting for him.  Mae Beavers has too often taken fringe position, such as sponsoring legislation to nullify federal laws. She is an embarrassment and needs to be replaced by a sane Republican.

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