Saturday, August 09, 2014

Charter School Supporters win 2 of 4 seats. Congratulation to Tyese Hunter and Mary Pierce.

I was generally disappointed in the election results last night. I am pleased Alexander won but that race was much closer than I expected. I am really disappointed that none of our Republican candidates for Judge won election.

One bright spot was the race for school board. Of the four candidates running, two of the pro-school choice candidates won election. Congratulation to Tyese Hunter and Mary Pierce.

by Joey Garrison, The Tennessean, August 8, 2014 - Two Metro school board incumbents held onto their seats, but the chairwoman wasn't one of them, on an election night that saw Nashville charter school advocates produce a split decision with their candidates.
Metro school board chairwoman and District 6 representative Cheryl Mayes, who has overseen a board that has shown discord of late, lost to Tyese Hunter, one of two candidates identified by backers of publicly financed, privately led charters who prevailed Thursday.
The other was Mary Pierce, who emerged a decisive winner over Becky Sharpe in the closely watched District 8 school board race

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