Saturday, August 09, 2014

Council meeting of Aug. 5th. The big downtown parking garage meeting.

This is the video of the Council meeting from last Tuesday. If anyone wants to follow along with the agenda and staff analysis, you can find them at this link. There may be some zoning issues of interest to people near the proposed rezoning, but there is very little on the agenda of general interest. The most important item on the agenda was the new downtown parking garage. It was approved without discussion. Here are other items of interest.

BILL NO. BL2014-771  which creates a new zoning called a "contextual overlay district" passes on second reading without discussion. This new designation would establish a requirement for neighborhood compatibility for in-fill development where adopted. It would establish set back requirements, height limits and lot coverage limits so in- fill is not terribly out of character of the surrounding neighborhood. I have reservations about this bill. I understand those who resent  McMansions being built on there street of modest homes, but we should not freeze neighborhoods in time unless they are of historical character.  Bigger more expensive homes means some affordable housing does disappear but it also means a growing tax base, so the city can realize more tax revenue without raising taxes. Do we want the expensive homes built in Nashville or do we want to force those wanting to invest in the community to move to Brentwood?

BILL NO. BL2014-840 which would prohibit beer permits from being issued for establishments located within a shopping mall containing a community center and/or public library passes on Second Reading. In my view this is a ridiculous bill. So there is a library at the other end of mall, what is it going to hurt to allow someone to have a beer with their meal or buy a six pack to go at the drug store? There is already a distance requirement for a beer permit which should be sufficient. Councilman Duane Dominy unsuccessfully attempts to get the bill deferred.

Below is the Tennessean's coverage of the Council meeting.

by Michael Cass, The Tennessean, August 5, 2014- A plan to build a large garage to help meet demand for downtown parking got a big boost from the Metro Council on Tuesday.
The 1,183-space garage at 505 Church St. wouldn’t eliminate the parking shortage, but it would help many downtown workers and visitors, the Nashville Downtown Partnership has said. The partnership is expected to manage the facility under a contract with the Metro Development and Housing Agency, which would own it.

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