Monday, September 01, 2014

Grover Norquist is 1st Tuesday guest speaker, September 2.

From Tim Skow of First Tuesday:

2014 1ST TUESDAY members and friends

LABOR DAY historically kicks off campaign season. 
2014 promises to be a BARN BURNER !... and our speaker is right in the middle of it !
Grover Norquist
Since President Reagan asked him to start Americans For Tax Reform ---  
GROVER NORQUIST has been one of the most influential people in Washington DC politics.....  and at affecting political campaigns. 
"Fearless" "Focused" "Driven" "Powerful" "Relentless" "Non-negotiable" "Dangerous"  --  "A Son-of-B$#@ !"  .... are words typically used to describe Mr. Norquist.... and that's by some people who like him !!! 

What those in favor of taxes ..OR .. those who break the infamous TAX PLEDGE ... call him I will not write... but their language will make a Sailor blush !!
On Tuesday, September 2nd... we will call him our Guest Speaker at 1ST TUESDAY !
With $20,000,000 to spend .... and MILLIONS of people who listen to him, Mr. Norquist will be a force in what happens in 2014. His information is as potent as his prickly and renowned sense of humor.  This is a 1ST TUESDAY event that will SELL OUT !!! 
Members and friends get 1st crack at the seats and you are not going to want to miss !
I encourage you to visit the 1ST TUESDAY website [] -- click on the Shopping Cart -- and secure seating for you and guests .... 
[ we know all $$$ after August 10th is for the SEPT 2nd event] 
This will be a MOST memorable DAY !! 
Lunch is $20 for Members and $25 for Guests. IF... we are able to secure him early... there will be a gathering prior like we had with Sen. Rand Paul and others to benefit our Legislative candidates. More details soon.  
AS get 1st shot at 1ST TUESDAY seats. 
Soooo.... Get 'em while they last !!   
and join us at Music City for Marsha on Aug 23rd --- details following this invite ]  

Look forward to seeing you on the 23rd ..AND.. at 1ST TUESDAY on Sept 2nd.

Tim Skow
Host of 1ST TUESDAY 

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