Saturday, August 02, 2014

Joe Carr was guest of Bellevue Breakfast Club

I was not there, but this morning (Sat. Aug 2) Joe Carr was the guest speaker at the Bellevue Republican Breakfast Club. Below are some pic's and Facebook chatter about the event:

From Due Smith: U.S. Senate candidate Joe Carr now hold a magical silver bullet in his arsenal as he guns for the seat of Tennessee icon Lamar Alexander. Metro Council Candidate Lonnie Spivak gave Carr the legendary weapon said to dispatch werewolves. Carr spoke at the Bellevue Republican breakfast activist Betty Hood chairs. About 25 avowed conservatives attended, several of whom were also running for offices on the Aug. 7 election ballot.

From Lonnie Spivak: One correction Dru. I did not give him the bullet to slay werewolves, however that comment was made. I expect Joe Carr to be Tennessee's Lone Ranger in the US senate.

Bellevue Republican Breakfast Club is the granddaddy of Republican breakfast groups.  It has been going on for years and years. Betty Hood does a great job.

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