Thursday, August 21, 2014

Metro Nashville's low-rated schools more than double while education ranking state-wide improves.

In case you missed it:

 by Joey Garrison, The Tennessean, Aug. 19, 2014- More than twice the number of Metro Nashville public schools are performing at the state's lowest academic level than was the case two years ago, setting the stage for state intervention.
The jump in "priority schools" in Nashville, from six to 15, according to an updated list of TCAP test results released Tuesday, has cracked the door open for an increased presence in Nashville by the state-run Achievement School District, which has jurisdiction over the 85 schools that fall within the bottom 5 percent of performance statewide.(link)
Here is the list of the 15 worse schools in Nashville, called "priority schools:" 

Bailey STEM Magnet Middle School
Brick Church Middle School
Buena Vista Elementary Enhanced Option School
Inglewood Elementary School
Jere Baxter Middle School
Joelton Middle School
John B. Whitsett Elementary School
Kirkpatrick Elementary Enhanced Option School
Napier Elementary Enhanced Option School
Neely's Bend Middle School
Pearl-Cohn Magnet High School
Ross Elementary School (now a prekindergarten center)
Robert Churchwell Museum Magnet Elementary School
Madison Middle School
The Cohn School
Nashville is doing considerable worse than our neighbors in providing a quality education.  As an example, in Williamson County 81% of their 3-8th grade students are proficient or advanced in math, while only 45% are in Nashville. In reading, 84% of Williamson County students are proficient or advanced while only 41 are in Davidson county.  In several measured subjects, Nashville either ranks last or next to last among 13 middle Tennessee school districts.

While the test results show Nashville is failing a lot of students and has a lot of low-performing schools, overall, education is improving in Tennessee.  We should not be satisfied with this state of affairs.  Instead of defending the status quo, we need more school board members who will embrace school choice and education reform. The problem is not teacher pay or spending. We spend more than most districts and our teachers earn more than they do in most other districts.

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1 comment:

  1. People better wake up. The plan is to eventually fail every school and convert them into Charters. This will cause the elimination of elected school boards and local/parental control. But lots of folks will make a bundle of dough. This will privatize education with no parental control. The owner of the Charter and the federal government will be in control. Wake up!! Why is Obama and Duncna pushing Charters? Why is Gates, Broad and Walton so heavily invested in Charters. They are using the poor and choice to sell the lie. In the end the poor will get screwed and there will be less choice than before.
