Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Nashville's traditional public schools are to be held to the same standards as Charters.

This is the school board meeting of Tuesday August 12, 2014.

On the Saturday before the above meeting there was a four-hour committee meeting which was not televised. According to news reports, at that meeting, the board’s Governance Committee voted for a policy that would require that all of Nashville charter School publish financial documents, including a disclosure of the source and amount of any private funds that supplement public funds. The committee also voted to require the same of each public school. That policy was adopted at the August 12th MNPS Board meeting.

Anti-school choice zealot Amy Frogge led the effort to require this new policy and pro-school choice advocate Elissa Kim successfully argued that the same standard apply to charter public schools and traditional public schools.

Here are the Tennessean's report on this issue. Charter school financial transparency to mirror all Metro schools.  Charter school policy meant to promote transparency.

Here is the Nashville Scene's story included tweeted play-by-play of yesterday's meeting: School Board Mints New Charter Transparency Policies.
I have not watched the above video. Caring for my ill wife is a greater priority than blogging or engaging in political activity at this time, so I am cutting back on some of the things I have been doing. If you wish to watch this two-hour video, you can watch it in half the time, if you double the speed. I can usually watch videos of meetings in double speed and still get all of the content. If the video does not give you the option of watching in fast speed, here is a link that will show you how to do that. Rod

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